I also went through a bad case of the "so what"s. It is the nature of the City Lit Fine Art Course that you are left to your own devices. The tutors do their best and I had a few good tutorials that gave me hope, but generally there is a little support to see you past the nihilism that overcomes you. And perhaps, nor should there be. If you have any aspirations to becoming an artist: it seems obvious that you need to get yourself through to a place where it does seem worthwhile.
At some point in the spring when I was feeling particularly down, I had a tutorial with Liz Ellis. She is very supportive (background as a mental health nurse!) and picked up on my interest in William Kentridge. She lent me a substantial catalogue from his big London show of five years ago. It was a hugely stimulating. Not only supporting my interest in his animation, but also some excellent material on his approach to art and making art. One particular quote stood out for me and had a significant impact on kick starting me into a more productive phase:
pure light of inspiration, for me, is always to be treated with caution.
that leap out as ‘good ideas’ are often best left
at that. It is in the physical act of their coming into being, and in
the form they finally achieve that they have to show their worth, and often
things that start rather in the alleys and sluices of the mind, hold their own
in the end.
Kentridge Fortuna: Neither programme nor chance in the
making of images 1994
I had been spending far too much time on what I thought were 'good ideas': only to have them crumble under my clumsy hand. Kentridge told me to abandon that level of planning and so called creative excitement and instead get on and TRY stuff. Let its potential demonstrate itself in the doing: not in the anticipation.
Now I am two weeks away from the exhibition and about to go to the last session. I will promote my blog at the exhibition so the next few posts will be by way of description and explanation of what I ended up doing and , perhaps more importantly, valuing my work over the last two years.
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